On January 28, 2010 the Orlando Magic used a 35 point fourth quarter to defeat the Boston Celtics 96-94. It was a matchup of last years Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series that went seven games. I'll remember that game forever; However I couldn't have cared less about the outcome.
I am a big basketball fan. I love basketball. Normally I would have watched every play of this big time NBA contest. On January 28, 2010 I was in Turks and Caicos returning from Haiti. We stopped there to refuel our Cessna as we bounced back to Florida. (That's another couple of stories) On this night I deplaned, walked into the tiny airport terminal and sat on a cushioned chair, in the air conditioning and watched the Magic come back from 14 points down and defeat the Celtics. I was completely disinterested. First of all I was exhausted having slept little and poorly the last four nights. Most of all basketball just didn't seem all that important. The devastation to Haiti overshadowed everything else. Sitting just a short distance from Haiti yet light years away I didn't really care that Ray Allen missed the winning three pointer as time expired.
Since returning I have looked upon events that I thought were important differently. The Super Bowl was a great game but it really didn't carry as much weight as in past years. To tell the truth, I was watching to see how many Haiti commercials there were. I did root for the Saints (I now feel like I have a better understanding for Katrina victims).
I still want to win all the games I coach, but if it doesn't happen I have a new perpective of what matters. I was able to spend another day on the basketball court with my son. My wife was able to laugh at me begging the ref for a call and watch her son compete.
Come this June, I'm sure I'll watch the NBA playoffs and I really hope the Spurs beat the Cavs in six games but if they don't; doesn't really matter. I'll still be wondering how the Haitians that I operated on are doing. Did their fractures heal? Did my amputees get their prosthesis and can they walk. How many orphans still need homes and families? I'll still be praying for them.
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