Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Did the Earthquake Happen in Haiti?

Why is Haiti frequently struck by natural disasters? Pat Roberts says its their deal with the devil that allowed them to escape the French coming to the surface. He states that its their practice of voodoo that has led to the disasters. Well, this is absurd. First of all it's just absurd. God is not vengeful.

Second the people of Haiti are incredibly faith driven. I saw many instances of this during my stay there shortly after the earthquake. The most poignant was as I performed an amputation revision on a patient under spinal anesthesia while my partner did the same on another patient on an operating table 5 feet away, both patients in unison started singing creole hymns. They essentially were singing "I love Jesus" while we amputated their legs. They left their lives in the hands of Jesus. I almost couldn't continue to operate. The presence of Jesus was palpable. Their faith is immense. All the Haitians that I came into contact with place Jesus as a very high priority. They were constantly praying and seeking to do Gods will. Almost ever family member I spoke with said "God Bless You". In fact one father who spoke no english on Sunday when we first made contact with him, went home and upon his return on Thursday he said perfectly clear "Thank you and God Bless You". He had learned those words in the interval.

So I say to Haiti " Thank You!" for the lessons I learned while there and "God Bless You" because you need it and you deserve it.


  1. I too believe that God is not vengeful....but I have always believed that he is a God that lets us chose the consequeses. Especially if a leader choses evil....we all suffer. That is why I believe we must pray for our leaders.

  2. Ironically these people have no choice of which leaders are chosen much less the choices those leaders made and no choice if their prayers will ever be answered. 90 of the population are under 18. 75% of the infrastructure destroyed and 300-500,000 people dead. How can a society of minors be judged and tortured because they did not pray hard enough? Child slavery is at a record high. These children have no choice. The Haitian people are lied to and deceived by their own government, the same government that is sitting on a huge pile of money and not one dime has been spent since the earthquake. People who think they deserve evil are greatly delusional. People need to go and see, feel and experience this situation before passing judgments even if judgments are appropriate.

  3. I appreciate your heart of love for people....but I still think back to the old testement...if the Kings were evil....the people suffered. It certainly wasn't fair then either. This whole thing still makes me think that are prayers for our leaders influence so much.
